Career Advice · Six Degrees Executive

What James Hird has taught us about resigning · Six Degrees Executive

Written by Six Degrees Executive | Aug 18, 2015 2:00:00 PM

​The James Hird saga had been a hot topic in the Six Degrees office for years now and it reached a crescendo when James Hird deciding to resign. Essendon supporters had been expecting it for some time and it felt like they all knew that it was time for James Hird to move on well before he did.

How do I know it’s time to move on from my current role?

I did a poll around the office and compiled a list of the top 5 reasons you know it’s time to move on:

1. You are not being challenged

This is one of the most common reasons I hear. It is really important to be able to articulate why and what you have done to seek out new challenges within your current business to give this response credibility.

  • Have you been in the role for some time and taken it as far as you can?

  • Have you asked your manager to implement a professional development plan to ensure your ongoing development?

  • Have you discussed other roles within the business that may reignite the challenge?

2. You can no longer add value to the business

Do you feel you have achieved what you set out to and your achievements are starting to plateau? Potentially you don’t see your future with the business, which can impact on your commitment to the job and day to day motivation.

3. You feel demotivated

Do you lack energy and feel frustrated daily? Do you find yourself constantly complaining about your role, your colleagues or the organisation?

Demotivation can be trigged by many factors. Often there is a disconnect between the expectation of the role or business culture and a personal lifestyle decision or change. An example, you may have had a child and feel that your work/life balance expectations have shifted. These shifts make you reassess your priorities and goals and can leave you lacking motivation for a job that takes you away from your family.

4. Restructure is rife

If there are constant restructures and movement this can lead to uncertainty about the future of the business. Where possible have a conversation with management about the stability of the business and reach out to your network for any additional news. You definitely want to be on the front foot of redundancies.

5. Money

Sometimes people are aligned to the organisational objectives and culture, consistently add value and are given all the opportunities to progress their career but the financials of the job are not attractive. Although most studies indicate that money is not the best people motivator, we need to be paid a wage that is fair. That is, in line with market value and the role. The absence of this can be a real factor in the decision to look at other opportunities.

Although these examples don’t all align to James Hird’s unique position they are all good reasons, with consideration, to look at new opportunities. Good talent moves on at the right time as they see it as an opportunity to progress their career before relationships with their existing business become strained.

Like James Hird, too many people wait until their career is on the downward trajectory before they look at new options. Time will only tell the damage it has done to the career of James Hird.

Has there been a time you stayed too long in a role to the detriment of your career?

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